benefits of honey are many and have been known for thousands of years. Honey
has been used in many ways, whether as food for the body or as an ointment to treat
burns, infections, and other diseases.
benefits of honey are many and have been known for thousands of years. Honey
has been used in many ways, whether as food for the body or as an ointment to treat
burns, infections, and other diseases.
The amazing benefits of honey |
What are the most important benefits of honey?
benefits of honey are related to several health properties that benefit the
human body, the most important of which are:
1 - A source of energy for adults and children
is considered a food with high nutritional value and is used as food for children
and adults. It is the only non-synthetic local substance, and its consumption
as food does not require refining, honey can be stored for a long time if
preserved properly.
can replace sugar consumed due to physical or mental effort and treat weight
loss and emaciation.
2- Antimicrobial and bactericidal properties
can kill many microorganisms, viruses, and fungi, and secretes antiseptic
substances that interact with cells in the body to relieve inflammation and
poisoning, similar to antibiotics.
3- Reduces body fat levels
an alternative to refined and manufactured sweeteners, honey contributes to
several preventive measures: it has been found to reduce cholesterol and fats
in the blood, thus helping to prevent obesity, heart disease, and
4- Preventing digestive system disorders
simple refined sugars such as sucrose, honey does not ferment in the stomach
and is digested quickly, so its shelf life is short and there is no risk of
bacterial invasion.
The amazing benefits of honey |
One clinical trial found that one of the benefits of honey is:
Inflammatory bowel disease and constipation. It is considered a mild
laxative because it stimulates bowel activity.
Digestive disorders, due to their ability to eliminate stomach acid
overload, often lead to ulcers.
Many doctors use honey to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers.
The benefits of honey make you want to eat it every day.
5- It preserves teeth and protects gums
Honey is essential in maintaining teeth, preventing tooth decay and healthy growth, and strengthening and protecting the gums.
6- Prevents cancer
contains vitamins and antioxidants and is known to play a major role in
preventing cancer and the growth of cancer cells, especially in cancers of the
esophagus, oral cavity, intestines, and stomach.
7- Cough suppressant
to many studies, honey is considered a more effective and safer treatment for
coughs in children than medicines that do not require a prescription because of
its ability to remove phlegm and throat infections and relieve coughs.
Therefore, it is used in the manufacture of many cough treatments.
The amazing benefits of honey |
8- It increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood
studies have found that honey effectively regulates blood pressure and
increases hemoglobin levels in the blood.
9- Ideal for athletes
Honey is a source of energy for the body and increases blood glucose levels in a short time.
When used as a carbohydrate source during exercise, it can significantly
improve performance, especially during endurance races and cycling.
10- Treating wounds and burns
contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide, which helps heal wounds,
relieve pain, disinfect, and create an acidic environment, which inhibits the
growth of germs and bacteria and prevents inflammation.
studies have proven that the topical use of honey on superficial burns heals
more effectively and accelerates wound healing.
11- Beneficial for the skin and eyes
has been proven to have positive effects on the skin and eyes:
the skin.
Honey has antibacterial properties and is used to treat eczema,
psoriasis, and acne.
It is also effective against dry skin and cracked feet.
It is also used in preparing eye ointments to help treat infections and
ulcers on the eyelids and cornea.
12- Its effect on the nervous system
has analgesic properties, so eating it before bed calms the nervous system and
helps overcome sleep disorders such as insomnia. Honey components:
After we learned about the most important potential benefits of honey,
we must now mention its main components, as honey is considered a source of
carbohydrates. A tablespoon of honey provides us with about 64 calories. Honey
consists mainly of 76% natural sugar (mainly fructose and glucose);
Because it contains a high percentage of fructose (fruit sugar), honey is
considered sweeter than table sugar.
18% of it is water, and the lower the percentage of water, the higher
the quality of the honey.
Six percent of its composition is minerals, vitamins, pollen, and
The amazing benefits of honey |
nutritional composition has the following features:
Vitamins: Vitamins: A small percentage of vitamins, but the most
important are: vitamin B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and
some amino acids.
Minerals: Small amounts of minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc.
Antimicrobial materials.
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